Special offer for Glider_it Customers!

We are glad to present a special agreement with our partner CNC-LUFTSPORTTECHNIK
You get 10% discount on the motorization to be purchased directly from CNC-LUFTSPORTTECHNIK!
You need only to show them a purchase proof of a Glider_it rc model suitable for EDF, purchased after 01 september 2021
CNC-LUFTSPORTTECHNIK is a Glider_it sales partner for Germany. They are a company specialized in sale of Hi-End products for Rc models and has also created special retractable EDF kits for some of our gliders:
The +Jet EDF kits starts from 80mm fan to 130mm, in the table below you will see the suggested kits for our models that can get this kind of motorization.
GLIDER_IT MODEL | +Jet EDF (mm) | LIPO Cells |
ASW15 | 80, 90 | 6,8,10,12 |
Bhyon | 90, 100, 110 | 6,8,10,12,14 |
Stingray + EVO, Prismaray | 80 | 6,8,10,12 |
Ventus | 80, 90 | 6,8,10,12 |
Swift 3.2 | 80, 90, 100 | 6,8,10,12,14 |
An example of the tailor made mounting for the Glider_it Swift 3.2
In the Kit you will get also all the needs to install the EDF: Specific Wood EDF Mount for the purchased model and a Template for cutting the EDF opening in the fuselage. CNC-LUFTSPORTTECHICK can install all the equipment for you! Ask them a quote for the building service!